Yaira #1 Animated Trailer Announced!

By Jen & Sylvia Soska

BRAND NEW YAIRA ANIMATED TRAILER FROM THE RIPPAVERSE!!! Like any springtime, it’s been raining all over the world but around these parts, it has been raining Yaira teasers! That’s right, the First Lady of the Rippaverse launched her record-breaking campaign with a live-action trailer, and we are closing with an animated trailer – because you demanded it!

Wait – what? The fans get what they want? WELCOME TO THE RIPPAVERSE where we want you to be entertained by what we’re doing here.

You, the fans, are the reason why this company is the giant success that it is. Your support is what makes all of these things possible. When you made every campaign from the Rippaverse – Isom #1, Isom #2, Alphacore #1 & Yaira #1 – break over a million in sales, you gave Eric the ability to reinvest in ways like this, in addition to greenlighting additional books! Want to see more animated trailers? Buy a comic book or a shirt. Want to see more live-action? Grab a poster and pick up a hat! But the best way that you can guarantee more animations and live-action productions from Rippaverse Studios is by signing up as a Rippaverse Member on our website!

Check out the newest animation project from Rippaverse Studios below!


THANK YOU FOR MAKING THIS ALL POSSIBLE. This isn’t something that just happens. It’s this fan base and community that has made the Rippaverse one of the fastest-growing independent creative companies in North America with no plans on slowing down! We have Mike Baron’s Goodyng: The Polymath coming out next – and HOLY SMOKES – it is a great comic book. Cato Goodyng is going to be your new favorite hero, and his villain, well – no spoilers, sadly – is my FAVORITE GUY in the whole Rippaverse. Add Will Conrad’s phenomenal artwork and you have an absolutely killer book.

After that, we have The Horseman from the same legendary creative duo that brought you Alphacore #1 – Chuck Dixon and Joe Bennett – which has the action literally jumping off the pages. This fast-paced crime thriller will have you hooked from the first page and refuses to let go until the insane finale. This is Dixon and Bennett at their very best with their first original character for the Rippaverse.

And I believe a couple of spoiler-happy twins already mentioned that Yaira #2 is on its way, with Débora Caritá bringing the epic next chapter of Yaira to life! The future is bright.

TODAY you get another tease of Yaira before the books start shipping out next week. The animated trailers have become an exciting part of each campaign and we are so happy to share this one with you! Please comment and share with all of your cool friends.

A massive and humble thanks to the team, who has been working tirelessly around the clock to make the launch a success. Thank you, Boss, Eric July. It is a privilege to create in your world!

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