Can We Do It Again? | ISOM #2 Pre-Order Launches [6/12/2023]

By Andrew Rodriguez

Hello, Rippaverse®!

With so much discussion, hype, and controversy surrounding it, it’s safe to say that ISOM #1 was a success. To say nothing of over 60,000 books sold and thousands of wonderful reviews from our great customers would be a discredit to the fantastic team that made it happen. Still, we can’t express enough how sincerely happy we are that you all were satisfied with your purchases and enjoyed the book. Many outlets and entities online tried to ignore our success as though it wasn’t one of if not the biggest stories in independent comics. But whether or not they chose to acknowledge it, 3.7 MILLION dollars later, it’s still undeniable – you’ve made your voices heard, and we’ve made our presence known.

Our company has grown since we first started with the launch of the first pre-order campaign, and our team, from the warehouse to the website devs to customer service and day-to-day back end, consists of absolute rockstars. Everyone on this team is grateful for all of the support and enthusiasm you have shown right from jump street and leading into stories to come. And on that note, everyone wants to know about the follow-up.

Some called our success with ISOM #1 “lucky” or a “one-hit wonder.” Others still think that we can actually hit even greater numbers! Whether they’re our biggest supporters or not so much, and everyone in between, everyone is going to be watching this next campaign like hawks. To assume a 3.7 million dollar campaign every time would be an unreasonable expectation. But if we can make even a fraction of that, it will be a huge success, allowing us to reinvest back into the business. At the end of the day, what truly matters is that those of you who purchase the product are happy with it.

We have an entire universe filled with characters and stories that we’re building for you, and we’re thankful for this fandom – your passion is inspiring and the driving force behind what we do. Our customers range from old-school comic book lifers to some who made ISOM #1 their first-ever comic book purchase!

ISOM #2 is on the horizon, and we’ve got a good feeling that it’s going to get you all talking again.

We Will Win

Andrew @FrjalsiFenrir | Creative and Social Media Manager