2023 Release Schedule

Hello, Rippaverse®!

Believe it or not, we’re getting close to being halfway through 2023 already. Of course, we spent the last several months creating new material for all of our Rippaverse® customers, but the bulk of the work was centered around logistics.

As we’ve stated in our previous updates, we’ve made upgrades throughout the company with things such as shipping and the website, especially with regards to our international customers, and we’ve also scaled up in a multitude of areas. We’ll be spending the month of May getting moved into our brand-new warehouse and settling our workflow going into the next campaign. With that said, we figured we could give you our tentative schedule and plans for the rest of the year. We don’t want to overcommit, and of course, we’ll keep you in the loop in the event there are any changes to these plans.

You know that Isom #2 will be the next book released through our company, but there are some important dates to make a note of leading up to it. On May 22, we will announce the project and the writer for the book that will be released after Isom #2. On May 29, we will be announcing the project and writer for the following book after that. In short, by the end of May, you will know more about the two other books released after Isom #2.

In June, we will launch the pre-order campaign for Isom #2. We have an extraordinary item that will be released alongside it. It will be very similar to the first campaign in that it will run for 75 days. However, for those pre-orders during the front half of the campaign, fulfillment will start before the campaign closes, which means books in hands sooner!

Isom #2‘s campaign will be vital for our company because it will allow us to measure our capabilities. After Isom #2‘s campaign, we’ll spend a lot of time assessing the company’s state and where we can improve. The first book we’re announcing in May, we’re pushing to get released in the Fall of this year. The second will be sometime in the Winter, going into very early 2024. We will if we can move these books up, but that’s just to play it safe and, again, not overcommit. As a new business, we need to remain adaptable and able to pivot as needs or hurdles present themselves. Remember that there’s plenty of content in each book, as all of them are over 90 pages, with Isom #2 being over 100!

Our ultimate goal is to build up to where we are putting out our books more frequently. At some point, campaigns will be happening simultaneously, and some material won’t even be released in a campaign format. It’s just that being our own distributor means that we have to be smart about our growth, and we don’t want to bite off more than we can chew at any given time. That’ll wrap it up for this update. Thank you to all of our wonderful customers. We can’t do this without you, and we can’t wait for you to learn about the upcoming Rippaverse® projects.

We Will Win.

Andrew Rodriguez | Creative & Social Media Manager